Monday, September 14, 2009

Decisions you make

Sometimes in life you wonder if you made some wrong decisions in the past. I think for me it happens when I am feeling down about myself. There are times when you get a confirmation either directly from heavenly father or thru someone else. Today was one of those confirmations.

Here's the story:
I'm at work minding my own business, just finished helping a customer. The customer walks out and about 30 seconds later walks back in asking for help. So I go outside and help him. He has a PT Cruiser. So I was brave enough to ask if he knew someone I had dated in the past, who also had a PT Cruiser. Sure enough, he did. SMALL WORLD EH? So this customer tells me about something he did and right there I knew that I had made the right decision about 2.5 years ago to end it with this particular person.

It made me feel great! A whole new level of confidence came. Now I can rest assured and never doubt myself on that decision again! I love it when things like that happen!

I guess I would always second guess myself when members of my family would make stupid little comments about how I should have married him. HA! I feel like I need to rub it in, that I made the right choice. We all know that is how the Savior would act. I'll just tell them the story and get may satifaction from it.

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