Friday, November 21, 2008

GAS has dropped in price!

I filled up my tank of gas for less than $30. I think that the last time I did that was before I moved to Logan, UT. 2 years before. I was so excited! This was on Tuesday night. Since then it has gone down another 7-8 cents! Awesome! Just something that I am excited about!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I am so excited! This may seem trivial to you all but, I have successfully finished a website. SoftQue is the company that I work for and we have been updating/recreating the face of SoftQue. I have been a major part of this job. I do alot of the creating of business cards, brochures, website, flyers, redecorating the interior, and the like. We were talking about needing to update the website and I had a simple book, that I wanted to use to create my own website for scrapbooking business. So this was a great way to get my juices flowing in the brain.
I had some ideas that I wanted and drew them out on paper and such but never could figure out how to get them on the web. I started the beginning, and probably 3-6 months later, (yes, I know that's a long time) I have a full website. My boss was very impressed with it, so much that he has asked me to fix another website he is charge of.
What a great accomplishment! I hope that you all can enjoy it as much as I am!
Watch for updates on new websites!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Halloween Pictures

These are of Halloween 2008!
I wanted to be Velma from Scooby Doo. Since I got rid of allmy sweaters, that would work for the costume, it didn't work. instead I decided to be a witch.
Meredith was a cowgirl, Hans, her boyfriend, decided he didn't want to dress up... So he wore the t-shirt and said he was a human billboard.

We when to a party that was overly packed and so we left then went to a cardboard maze in someone's front yard. Mere and Hans went throught it. My friend and I didn't want to crawl around in a dark tunnel.

We had a fun night tho.

FHE Coordinator

Okay since I don't have a picture yet on here, I have decided to go through the archive of photos that I have yet to put in a book and post it on here.

My ward was split 3 ways. I am now in the Mountain Park Branch. I love it. It's fun, and we have a great group. They asked me to be one of the Family Home Evening Coordinators. I really enjoy it. On Monday, it will be the 3rd week. So if any of you have ideas, I would love to hear them.

Also, since we are a new branch, not all the callings are in place yet. So for Sunday, I was asked to teach the Relief Society. It's on Gaining knowledge from Eternal Truths. It's been great to read and hope that it is inspirational.

My sister and her family, Megan and Heath Bell, will be coming down a week before Thanksgiving. I am excited to see the kids and have some fun! Ben and Julene will be coming for Thanksgiving as well! It'll be great to have some of the family around.

I can't believe that the holidays are coming so quickly!

Oh one more thing, I have finished the beginning of a growing website. On Monday, I will be publishing it to the web! It's nothing fancy, but sure is definatly better than what is there now. This is the FIRST webiste I have done, and I taught myself!

AMAZING what you can learn from reading a book!

So that's an update of my life and what is happening in AZ!


Okay I sent out emails to the address that I had. I am also poting this here. The party is extended to Nov. 25th! The games are really fun to play and made out of some materials that are durable. If you order some stuff from and the total party comes to $400, then I will be able to add to my collection of games.

I am doing it online so that my family, who I know will enjoy the games because they are directed at learning for the children, can purchase products.