Tuesday, July 8, 2008



While at work, I was sitting there and minding my own business. I was preparing some mailings that we were sending out that day. As I was sitting at my desk, a friend of the bosses came in to use the computer since he doesn't have the internet available to his neighborhood. I share an office with the boss, so his friend was using a computer in the office and he turns on this video where the preacher was talking about tithing and how we should give a tenth according to Malachi 3:10. This video goes on for a while and as I am sitting there just hearing what he was saying, my curiosity perks up. I became interested in what others believe about tithing.
Our friend is very active in his church, and so he explains to me that he is writing an article for a publication and that he's dictating the message. He then explains to me that he believes that the tithing should not be a tenth of what we have, but whatever we feel like giving. Now he has my full attention. I become curious about what other religons think of tithing. From the the preacher in the video, I believe along the same lines. In fact, I taught that same principle on my mission about paying a tenth to the Lord for all that he has given us, we can spare ten percent of what we have. After my curiosity was captured, I asked our friend what his church uses tithing for. (I wanted to ask him how they pay the tithing, but I was too chicken.) He told me that they use it to pay for those who are in need and the teachers and pastors of his church.
I then felt the desire/need to share with him what we use tithing for. I told him that we use it to provide help for humanitarian needs and to pay for our buildings and the needs of the church. I was then cut off, unfortunately, therefore I wasn't able to finish telling him that what we use the tithing for. He just then told me that he would get a copy of the article that he was writing about.
I am curious on his take of tithing. I am kind of excited too. I also want to share with him an article or something that talks about tithing from the LDS Church publications. As I was searching, I found the above article and I wanted to share it with others.

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